When you think of the buildings and organizations in our society that need the most security to protect their operations, you likely think of places that hold significant financial or political importance. Perhaps you imagine a top secret government facility, the White House, a federal agency building, banks or a politician’s office. While these locations are justly secure, religious centers are quickly growing into a target for people with ill intent to make a statement or take advantage of a given religion’s generosity and open-door policy. Tragic as it is, it may be time for places of worship to batten down the hatches to ensure the safety of their congregations.
This increased emphasis on security in places of worship was in the news recently when Trinity Church, a historic church on Wall Street where founding fathers such as George Washington once worshiped, added metal detectors.1
In recent years, we’ve seen an unfortunate increase of mass shootings, assaults, thefts and destruction of property cases targeting places of worship.
It seems, regardless of faith, nowhere is completely safe. In 2017 alone, multiple places of worship were attacked, vandalized or became victims of theft. In January 2017, no fewer than three synagogues were vandalized with threatening, anti-Semitic language and symbols in Florida, while 95 cases of anti-Semitic bomb threats were reported nationwide within the first three months of 2017.2
CNN also reported a staggering number of mosques targeted in 2017. From January to July of that year, 63 reported incidents of threats, arson and vandalism took place at mosques across the country, roughly nine per month on average.3
Perhaps the most frequently-cited incident of violence at a place of worship occurred in Sutherland Springs, Texas in 2017 when a gunman entered a Baptist church and opened fire, killing 26 and injuring 20 more.4
There are numerous factors that come into play when you begin asking why religious centers are targeted. After all, the majority of the United States’ population is religious in some capacity, with 63 percent of adults claiming absolute certainty in their belief in a higher power.5 Additionally, regardless of belief system, most religions preach values commonly viewed as positive, such as generosity, compassion, honesty or forgiveness, and many support charity or volunteer work as a way to give back to the community.
So, why would a place of worship be targeted with violence, theft or vandalism if they do so much good for so many followers and their communities? We may never know the answer, but one thing’s for sure: Religious institutions must do more to protect their congregations and secure their facilities.
It doesn’t take much time or money to improve security for your church’s members. Although many places of worship open their doors to anyone, the locks they have on their doors can protect the center or facility when no one is there. The simplest step one can take toward a safer religious community is to install high security locks on all the doors and windows. Too often, arsonists, thieves and vandals take advantage of an unlocked door or a door with a weak latch to enter the premises. If your church or place of worship already has high security locks, ensure any rekeying or digital control updates are done regularly to keep keys out of the wrong hands.
Once your facility is sufficiently sealed, cameras and alarms would be the next best step to prevent criminals from entering unnoticed and ensure they’re brought to justice if they do. If possible, hire a security group to patrol the building frequently or request the local police officers keep their eyes peeled when on patrol nearby.
Many places of worship find it hard to even entertain the thought that they could be targeted with such vicious malignancy in their own halls, sanctuaries and offices. Although plenty of religious leaders are hesitant to spend what little money they have on security measures, it may prove life-saving for your congregants.
At Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc., we still mourn the loss of those gunned down just three hours from our community, and all those harmed or killed in their place of worship. We hope these losses will not be in vain and religious leaders will take action to protect their followers. Our
locksmith, security
and lock installation services
are comprehensive, fast and reliable. We specialize in all forms of commercial security including CCTV and video surveillance, alarm systems and digital controls for all security systems.
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