It happens to everyone. You’re running late and rushing to get out the door when you realize your keys have mysteriously gone missing. The clock is ticking and you need to find your keys fast so you can get on with your day. Tearing your house apart in a stressed-out whirlwind won’t make finding them any easier, though. At times like these, it may be best to take a more systematic approach.
Calm Down and Think
When the adrenaline is pumping, it’s easy to glance over an obvious solution to your problem. If you think you’ve lost your keys and are darting around trying to find them, for example, you may not realize they were already in your hands or on your key ring. Take a moment to breathe deeply and relax before you start your search. While you’re calming yourself down, consider when you last had them. What were you doing? Where were you going? Which clothes were you wearing? The answers to these questions can help guide your search and keep panic at bay.
Where Do They Belong?
Sometimes, the most obvious answer is the correct one. If you have a designated spot for keys and important items to take with you when you leave your house, start your search there. If you unload your pockets or purse by the door, search the foyer. Perhaps you left your keys in your purse or they fell on the floor. If you tend to place your keys in your bedroom, retrace your steps on the way there, checking the floor for any signs you may have dropped them.
Tidy Up
You can’t search your home systematically if there are clothes or other clutter in your way. Take a few moments to put the search on hold and tidy up your home a little. When your home is clean and clutter-free, you’re more likely to subconsciously make sure that you put your items in their designated places. It also makes it easier to spot missing keys when they aren’t buried under clothes piles or behind unread mail.
Check the Obvious Spots
If you still aren’t finding your keys after cleaning up the area and looking where they should be, it’s time to search the most common spots where people misplace their items. Look for your keys in the car or under the couch cushions. If you had your keys while you were sitting, they may have fallen out of your pocket. Check every pouch in your purse and go through all your worn pants to see if the keys are still there. It never hurts to check the area where the keys should be one more time, just to be sure.
Check the Less-Than-Obvious Spots
Maybe you were tired or sick when you last had your keys. Perhaps you were just daydreaming and not considering what you were doing. If you weren’t paying attention when you had your keys, you may have put them in a nonsensical place. Refrigerators, dresser drawers and beds are some of the most common bizarre locations you may find your missing items. The body does strange things when it’s on autopilot, so it’s important to not rule out these weird spots if you know you weren’t at your best when you last saw them.
Call Businesses
If you’ve scoured your entire home and still haven’t found your keys, don’t give up. Think about where you went with your keys recently. Call any of the businesses or organizations you visited to see if anyone has turned in a missing set of keys. If you ride public transportation, you can try ringing the transportation authority’s lost and found division.
Locksmith and Security Services in Houston, TX
If you’ve looked everywhere two or three times and called every location you’ve been to with no luck, you may need to arrange for a locksmith and some new locks. It can be frustrating to feel locked out of your life when you can’t find your keys anywhere. That’s why Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc. provides
fast, comprehensive service
to ensure you can get back to normal sooner. We offer:
- Residential unlocking
- Commercial Unlocking
- Rekeying and master keying
- High security lock installation
- Digital Security controls
- Alarm system installation
- And more