You rely on your safe to protect some of your most valued possessions – jewelry, firearms, crucial documents and other items of great value. So, should you protect your safe itself with a dehumidifier? That depends on several factors, but in general, if you’re keeping metal objects in your safe, you should consider placing a dehumidifier inside to help keep the items dry as possible.
Excessive moisture inside a safe can potentially lead to rust, corrosion and mold, damaging both your valuables and reducing the integrity of your safe’s structure. Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re wondering whether dehumidifying your safe is necessary or how best to accomplish it.
Where You Live Matters
Where you live has a lot to do with moisture levels inside your safe. If you live near a coast or in an area with a humid atmosphere, your safe likely has excessive moisture levels within that could potentially damage the items in your safe or lead to corrosion of the safe itself, which greatly compromises the integrity of the safe’s structure.
You should especially use a dehumidifier if you have firearms in your safe. They rust easily when exposed to excessive moisture, potentially damaging those items and causing them to lose functionality and value. The same goes for jewelry and other metal objects.
How Often Do You Use Your Safe?
An additional thing to keep in mind is the frequency with which you open your safe. For example, if you open your safe frequently to pull out a piece of jewelry, a dehumidifier may not be necessary. Opening your safe often helps keep the moisture out and your valuables dry due to increased airflow. Conversely, if you don’t often open your safe, moisture has a higher chance of accumulating.
It should also be noted that if you have a fire-retardant safe, your safe will automatically come with an interior moisture wall. You may want to install a dehumidifier to combat the built-in moisture.
What Kind of Dehumidifier Should You Employ?
If you’ve made the choice to use a dehumidifier, you have some choices available to you.
Electric Dehumidifier
– This is one of the more common safe dehumidifiers because it’s the easiest to use. It’s a ‘set it and forget it,’ design – once it’s installed, it’s maintenance free as long as it receives electricity. They work by keeping the internal safe temperature a few degrees higher than the ambient temperature of the room, preventing dew point conditions from forming within the safe.
Desiccant Bag
– A great option for safes with no electrical access, the desiccant bag utilizes silica gel to continuously absorb surrounding moisture, like a sponge. They’re like electric dehumidifiers in that they require almost no maintenance. Some might have to be dried out periodically. You may consider pairing a desiccant bag with an electric dehumidifier to have a backup in case of a power outage.
Rechargeable Dehumidifier
– Also a great option for safes that don’t have access to power, rechargeable dehumidifiers effectively absorb moisture like desiccant bags but need to be recharged periodically. They also use silica gels. Generally, the more moisture the safe accumulates, the more frequently they must be recharged.
Consider DIY Options
If you have a small safe or you don’t have many metal objects inside, but would still like some protection from moisture, there are a few easy DIY things you can do.
- Toss in a few small silica gel packets, like the ones usually found in a new pair of shoes.
- You could go the ultimate DIY route and place a bowl of dry rice or open package of baking soda inside the safe.
- You could also pair any one of these options with a dehumidifier for maximized protection.
Trusted Safe Services in the Houston Area
Keeping your safe in pristine, working condition should be a priority for all safe owners. An easy way to achieve ultimate peace of mind is by working with trusted security experts for all your safe
installation, restoration and relocation needs. Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc. has been providing trustworthy safe services for Houston-area residents for decades. If you need assistance with your safe, contact Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc. by calling
(713) 643-5767
for a fast quote today!