Protecting yourself, your family and your property begins with effective home security. With all the home security resources available to you, it might be a bit hard to decide which measures are right for your risk and needs. Here’s a quick list of basic tips that will enhance the security of every home, whether you live in a relatively safe neighborhood or you have elevated security concerns.
Doors and Locks
Whenever you move into a new home, your first security step should be to change the locks. You never know who had access to the keys before you arrived, and the previous owner or someone they know could still have a set.
All of the exterior doors of your home should have at least 1-inch thick dead bolt locks. While more expensive than their spring latch counterparts, dead bolts are sturdier and offer significantly more protection. Most varieties are pick-resistant as well. During installation, be sure to leave a minimal amount of space between the door and its frame. This will make it harder for an intruder to get a pry bar into the opening and force entry.
Ensure that all of your outside-facing doors have interior hinges. If your door has hinges on the outside, an intruder can easily remove them and the door itself.
Any sliding doors, such as patios and even windows, should have a metal bar placed along the bottom of the track to prevent forced opening. Windows can also be outfitted with their own separate locks and/or burglar-resistant glass.
Lighting is an effective deterrent for keeping out burglars and other intruders; nobody wants to be seen committing a crime. Motion detector lights are a cheap and effective way to keep your house secure. Placed around the perimeter of your home, they will light up when they sense movement. If you’re worried about energy costs, solar-powered varieties are also available.
Interior lights can also be used to give the appearance that your house is occupied, even when you’re out on the town. Professional burglars are more likely to hit houses they assume are empty. Automatic timers for your interior lights will turn them on and off while you’re away, giving the illusion that you are still home.
The most effective way to protect your home from intruders is by installing an alarm system. In addition to producing obnoxious sound or light during a break-in, most systems immediately inform emergency authorities and wirelessly warn homeowners of potential dangers. Just seeing that a home has an alarm system is often enough to deter an intruder.
Every home is different, and an alarm system designed for one may not work for another. At Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc., our alarm system design specialists understand you require a certain level of security within a specific budget range. We’re experts at designing a solution that meets your needs within your means.
us today to schedule a free consultation and walkthrough of your residence!