If you own a gun, you probably know how important it is to keep it locked up securely in a gun safe. What you may not realize is that once your gun is locked away, it is still vulnerable to another potential danger: moisture.
Moisture can be a gun’s worst enemy and can even destroy a safe itself. The only time that fresh air gets into your safe is when you open the door, which for most safe owners isn’t very often. Having your guns securely locked away is a good idea, but depending on your climate they may be stored in a dark and damp space that can easily be a breeding ground for mold.
If you are going to invest in a gun and a gun safe, you need to seriously consider spending just a bit more for a gun safe dehumidifier. A dehumidifier will eliminate the moisture from inside your safe so the safe and its contents will stay dry. This is especially important for guns, which are made of metal and will rust and corrode over time. Moisture can even seep deep inside your guns and corrode them from the inside out. Ammo is also certainly not immune from moisture, especially gunpowder.
Two Types of Safe Dehumidifiers
The two main types of gun safe dehumidifiers are electric dehumidifiers and desiccant dehumidifiers. Electric dehumidifiers use a heating element to eliminate moisture. The great thing about using electric dehumidifiers is that you can plug them in and you won’t need to do anything else.
A desiccant dehumidifier works by placing one or two small packets that contain special materials into your safe to absorb moisture. One good thing about desiccants is that you can bake them in the oven and re-use them without needing to buy more, although many people aren’t actually going to go to the trouble of doing this.
Gun Safes in Houston
The safe experts at Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc. can show you all of your options as well as help you with safe repair and maintenance. We offer multiple gun safe sizes to fit something as small as a single pistol to safes capable of holding a larger collection.
Contact Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc. today for all your gun safe needs.