Home security systems are used to protect everyone and everything in a household, and that includes our pets. But sometimes, particularly hyperactive or curious critters can trigger a security system and cause a false alarm. Another factor is the way your home security system is set up – if it’s not thoughtfully positioned, it may lead to more frequent false alarms triggered by four-legged family members.
Here’s what you need to know about home security systems and how you can keep Fido and Fluffy from triggering the alarm in the future.
Sensor Placement
Motion and image sensors, the latter of which detect body heat, are common residential alarm systems, but they can present a challenge when pets are added to the equation. If you have sensors placed throughout your property, be sure they’re positioned so they won’t detect the usual movements made by your pets.
For example, if you place a sensor at a low angle, like near the knees or waist in a doorway, a large dog could easily trigger the alarm unintentionally during the night or while you’re at work. Similarly, mounting a sensor on the window frame can trigger a false alarm if you have a cat that enjoys playing or lounging on the window sill.
Instead, try to incorporate these sensor placement and installation tactics in your home and yard:
· Place sensors higher than waist level
· Position them away from areas where a cat or reptile can climb and interfere
· Use pet-immune sensors that have a weight and size threshold
There are a large variety of home surveillance cameras on the market these days, making them increasingly popular home additions. The only problem is, many of them rely on motion to activate, which is an issue when there is an active pet roaming the house during the times you want your camera to be in use.
The easiest thing you can do to combat false alarms of this nature is checking to see if you can adjust the camera’s sensitivity to motion. Even the most active pets won’t move in the same way as an adult human, so if you lower the sensitivity, there’s a good chance it will be immune to a dog or cat.
Placement is also important. As with sensors, keep your cameras up high so they’re less likely to be triggered by a rogue puppy on ground level. Try placing sensors on top of a bookshelf or your kitchen cabinets. You could even mount your camera at a high point on the wall to keep it far from your pet’s range of motion. This might be the best option since there’s no way even the best of climbers can reach it.
Make Use of Technology
Many home security systems now work in conjunction with your smart device or tablet. This gives you the ability to control your alarm system and monitor your property via live feed. This could be a simple solution for both keeping an eye on your home and your pets while you’re away. If your alarm is ever triggered, you can quickly check to see if it’s a legitimate security concern or simply your pet causing a raucous. When there is an emergency, you can quickly notify the authorities as well.
Trust Your Security to the Professionals
There are more options for securing your home than ever before thanks to cutting edge security systems. Whether you’re looking for commercial or residential security, Dixie Safe & Lock Service Inc.
has the knowledge and expertise to give you the peace of mind you’re looking for. Call (713) 643-5767
or visit our website
to receive a FREE fast price quote.